
世茂希爾頓 | 任命 趙衛紅女士被任命為煙臺世茂希爾頓酒店總經理

來源:膠東在線  作者:  2020-05-18 09:49
A+A- |舉報糾錯

  山東,煙臺 近日,趙衛紅女士被任命為煙臺世茂希爾頓酒店總經理,向希爾頓集團大中華區及蒙古山東區總經理劉浩然先生匯報。履新后,趙衛紅女士將成為希爾頓在山東區首位女性總經理,更是煙臺眾多國際品牌酒店中首位女性總經理。

  Shandong, Yantai - Ms. Angel Zhao was appointed as the General Manager of Hilton Yantai and reports directly to Hilton Great China & Mongolia Shandong Area General Manager Mr. Adrian Liu. Ms. Angel Zhao will become the first female General Manager in Hilton Shandong Area as well as in local international brand hotels.



  "Hilton commits to creating a workplace environment conducive to female leadership globally. Being as an outstanding female talent, we do believe Ms. Angel Zhao will lead Hilton Yantai to be the local hotel industry leader with her unique vision and perspective." said by Hilton Shandong Area General Manager Mr. Adrian Liu.



  Ms. Angel Zhao has 26 years of hospitality experience, having worked for several international brand hotels around China. Her career has taken her across many cities in China from Urumqi to Beijing, Tianjin, Shenzhen, Chengdu and other cities. Her career started from housekeeping, having served as Housekeeping Manager, Executive Housekeeper, Brand Champion and Director of Operations. Most recently, since 2017, she has served as the General Manager of the Four Points By Sheraton Chengdu Anren. With courage and talent as well as rich management experience cultivated her extraordinary leadership, insights and service concept.


  Ms. Angel Zhao said that she is confident to lead Hilton Yantai to be the hotel industry leader locally even globally.


  位于煙臺市地標——世茂天際之上的煙臺世茂希爾頓酒店,設計靈感來自海洋和現代西方文化元素的結合,為賓客提供放松身心或工作的優美環境。252間擁有醉美海景或城市天際線美景的客房和套房,每間客房搭配現代服務設施,如干濕分離浴室、瑰柏翠洗浴護膚套裝、 42英寸LED電視、套房配備膠囊咖啡機等。入住酒店行政客房和套房的賓客專享行政酒廊的精致下午茶和晚間歡樂時光。

  Inspired by marine and modern western cultural elements, Hilton Yantai is designed to provide guests satisfying experience. Being as a part of the Shimao Skyscraper landmark, the hotel owns 252 rooms and suites with stunning sea views or city views. Each room equipped with modern service facilities, including wet and dry separation design applied in bathroom, Crabtree Evelyn toiletries, 42-inch LED TV and suites-only capsule coffee machine. In-house guests in executive rooms and suites enjoy exclusive afternoon tea and happy hour in the Executive Lounge.


  Featuring the latest aerobic and strength training equipment, Hilton Fitness Center by Precor? takes a personalized approach to ensure guests keep best physical condition during their stay. Guests can also enjoy their time in sea view temperature-controlled indoor pool. The hotel owns over 1,652 m2 of multi-function meeting space which cater for business meetings, conference, banquets and weddings. 940 m2 Fortune Grand Ballroom can be divided into 2 sections with a minimum total accommodation of 800 guests. It is well-equipped with advanced audition equipment and a 255m2 foyer with panoramic seaside scenery.

  酒店擁有2個餐廳和1個酒吧,海市全日餐廳是一間全海景自助餐廳,俯瞰芝罘灣美景。餐廳提供一系列美味可口的中西方特色菜肴,廚師在開放式廚房展現廚藝,賓客盡享視覺盛宴。御璽中餐廳主營膠東菜,主廚深諳烹飪之道。在保留食材原味基礎上,結合膠東烹飪技法,烹制出扣人心弦的美味。御璽中餐廳設有80席用餐大廳和13間私人包房,其中5 間為海景包房,是適合商務和家庭聚會的理想場所。26層大堂吧提供時尚雞尾酒菜單、傳統中國茶和下午茶,賓客可在非正式商務洽談中輕飲淺啜或在舒緩當代音樂中放松身心。

  The hotel has 2 restaurants and 1 bar. Featuring panoramic sea views of Zhifu Bay, SHI ADD Restaurant offers a delectable combination of Eastern and Western cuisines. Indulge in a visual feast as chefs showcase their culinary art in the open kitchen. YUXI Chinese Restaurant specializes in local Jiaodong cuisine. Our chef knows how to integrate local cooking techniques as well as keep the authentic taste to produce tasty dishes. With an 80-seat dining hall, 13 private rooms (5 sea view private rooms included), YUXI is the ideal venue for both business and family gatherings.26F Lobby Bar offers stylish cocktail, traditional Chinese tea and British high tea. Take a sip and enjoy your casual business or leisure time in soothing contemporary music.

  煙臺世茂希爾頓酒店也是希爾頓榮譽客會的一部分,希爾頓榮譽客會是針對希爾頓旗下十八家卓越酒店品牌的客戶忠誠度計劃。作為一項屢獲殊榮的客戶忠誠度計劃,希爾頓榮譽客會為全球逾1.03億名會員提供非凡禮遇,使他們能夠通過多種途徑在119個國家和地區的超過6,100家酒店尊享禮遇。希爾頓榮譽客會會員可在希爾頓官方渠道直接預訂客房,享受積分與現金相結合的靈活兌換方式,專屬會員折扣,及高速無線網絡。希爾頓榮譽客會會員能夠以積分兌換酒店入住機會、高檔商品和亞馬遜商店的積分商品,或以募捐的形式支持慈善事業,或兌換特別活動體驗,如Live Nation?酒店音樂會和其他藝術體驗、以及邁凱倫車隊競技賽。希爾頓榮譽客會采希爾頓榮譽客會采用免費登記注冊制,旅行人士可登錄www.hiltonhonors.com在線注冊,或通過newsroom.hilton.com/hiltonhonors與希爾頓榮譽客會聯系。更多詳情請關注希爾頓榮譽客會?(Hilton Honors?)中文APP與“加入希爾頓榮譽客會”微信小程序。希爾頓榮譽客會采用免費登記注冊制,旅行人士可登錄www.hiltonhonors.com在線注冊,或通過http://newsroom.hilton.com/hiltonhonors與希爾頓榮譽客會聯系。更多詳情請關注希爾頓榮譽客會?(Hilton Honors?)中文APP與“加入希爾頓榮譽客會”微信小程序。

  Hilton Honors is the award-winning guest loyalty program for Hilton’s 18 world-class brands comprising more than 6,100 properties in 119 countries and territories. Hilton Honors members who book directly through preferred Hilton channels have access to instant benefits, including a flexible payment slider that allows members to choose nearly any combination of Points and money to book a stay, an exclusive member discount, and free Standard WiFi. Hilton Honors offers its more than 103 million members hundreds of ways to earn and redeem Points. Members can redeem their Points for free nights, premium merchandise and items on Amazon Shop with Points; make charitable contributions; or gain access to unique events through Hilton Honors Experiences, such as exclusive artist connections and VIP concerts with Live Nation?, and race experiences with McLaren Racing. The program is free to join, and travelers may enroll online by visitingwww.hiltonhonors.com. Connect with Hilton Honors at newsroom.hilton.com/hiltonhonors, and follow Hilton Honors on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

  煙臺世茂希爾頓酒店位于山東省煙臺市芝罘區大馬路53號,郵編264000。Hilton Yantai is located in No.53 Dama Road, Zhifu District, Yantai City, Shandong Province, 264000.如需預訂,請訪問hilton.com.cn/hiltonyantai或撥打電話+86 535 6798888。To make a reservation please visit hilton.com.cn/hiltonyantai or call +86 535 6798888.


  About Hilton Hotels & ResortsHilton Hotels & Resorts has set the benchmark for hospitality around the world, providing new product innovations and services to meet guests' evolving needs. With 584 hotels across six continents, Hilton Hotels & Resorts properties are located in the world’s most sought-after destinations for guests who know that where they stay matters. Hilton Honors members who book directly through preferred Hilton channels have access to instant benefits. Begin your journey at www.hiltonhotels.com, and learn more by visiting newsroom.hilton.com/hhr and following Hilton Hotels & Resorts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

  關于希爾頓希爾頓(NYSE: HLT)是國際知名的酒店管理公司,旗下擁有十八大卓越酒店品牌,在全球119個國家和地區直接管理、特許經營、持有以及租賃近6,100家酒店,逾971,000間客房。一直以來,希爾頓始終致力履行成為全球酒店行業熱情好客的代表這一使命,在其百年發展歷程中,已共計為超過30億名賓客提供服務。希爾頓在卓越職場研究所2019年的“全球最佳職場”評選中名列第二,成為該評選中全球排名最高的酒店集團;并在2019年道瓊斯可持續發展指數評比中榮膺“全球產業領導者”殊榮,在經濟、社會、環境的可持續發展能力綜合評定中,榮獲世界權威評級機構的認可。同時,作為屢獲殊榮的常客獎勵計劃,希爾頓榮譽客會(Hilton Honors)已為全球逾1.03億名會員提供物超所值的積分兌換住宿體驗,以及包括電子登記入住及選擇客房、數字密鑰與智能客房等非凡禮遇。更多詳情請登錄newsroom.hilton.com,并可通過“希爾頓Hilton”微信公眾號、官方微博,以及希爾頓榮譽客會中文APP與希爾頓聯系。

  About HiltonHilton (NYSE: HLT) is a leading global hospitality company with a portfolio of 18 world-class brands comprising more than 6,100 properties with more than 971,000 rooms, in 119 countries and territories. Dedicated to fulfilling its mission to be the world’s most hospitable company, Hilton welcomed more than 3 billion guests in its 100-year history, earned a top spot on the 2019 World’s Best Workplaces list, and was named the 2019 Global Industry Leader on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. Through the award-winning guest loyalty program Hilton Honors, more than 103 million members who book directly with Hilton can earn Points for hotel stays and experiences money can’t buy, plus enjoy instant benefits, including digital check-in with room selection, Digital Key, and Connected Room. Visit newsroom.hilton.com for more information, and connect with Hilton on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

[ 責任編輯: 郝艷 ]
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